Friday, October 12, 2007

John Zaffis and Christopher Moon

"John Zaffis"

John Zaffis and Christopher Moon will be coming at 7 p.m. Oct. 24 to Missouri Southern State University. They will be discussing Edison's "Telephone to the Dead." The presentation will be in Taylor Auditorium. It is free and open to the public.

The University is on the corner of Newman and Duquesne Roads in Joplin, Mo. From Seventh Street, take Duquesne Road North. From Range Line Road, take Newman East.

John Zaffis is a demonologist and paranormal investigator. Christopher Moon is the founder of Haunted Times Magazine and fellow paranormal investigator.

The event is sponsored by the Campus Activities Board, MoSo Ghost Hunters, and the Prosperity Bed and Breakfast.

We thank you for your interest!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Old Newtonia Cemetery -- 9/14/07 hunt pictures


This is the Captain's grave near the southern edge of the cemetery. The blurriness is evident on this picture. Several of the cameras were having trouble focusing either because of the fog or the darkness.



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Conditions during hunt:
Calm Wind
Rolling Fog
Partly Cloudy Sky
69% Waning Moon
Steady mid - 40s temps

New Hunt Possibilities

At the next meeting, we will be discussing the following possibilities:

1) The Kendrick House in Carthage.
2) The Johnston Public Library in Baxter Springs.
3) A hunt of the Hoffman Mansion area w/ permission.

There will also be a follow-up of the Old Newtonia hunts.